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01-06-2024 12:02
Season 90 · Week 9 · Day 61
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Football » English » Open Discussion

The "mitigator" bet

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There's probably some proper and well known term for it, but basically where there's some result you especially don't want to see happen, so you bet dosh that it will, on the basis that if it doesn't, you'll be very happy and that if it does, although you're not materialistic or especially worshipful of mammon, winning some money will take a bit of the edge off.

It's crossed my mind before, but I've never done it. Until now.

So pleased will I be if Dortmund win the Champion's League, I've placed fifty on Bayern to win it (to "lift the cup", so regardless whether in normal time, extra time or penalties). And since I used Paddy Power I whacked my fifty squids free bet on Bayern to come from behind and win inside the 90 minutes, because I think that's probably the situation that would most upset me. On for like £400 or so if that happens...

Ever placed such a bet yourself? What on, pray tell?
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Re: The "mitigator" bet

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So you're in a win-win position, right? I have been tempted but I've never had the balls to bet against my own team, but it does seem rather logical.

Re: The "mitigator" bet

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Yeah although the trade-off of (a) have Dortmund win the CL against all the odds and their biggest rivals who've just confirmed the transfer of probably their best player... as opposed to (b) win some cash... doesn't really balance out. Sort of what might be better termed a "!!WIN!! - (win) position" ;)

Maybe we could take the brackets away if Bayern win by coming from a goal down, since then I'll win more cash... Should I use it all, in either case, to drown my sorrows? Would that be the morally-correct thing to do? Hmmm...

Re: The "mitigator" bet

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Betting against your own team? Must be an English thing. I jest. Something I was taught though is: money can't buy happiness, even 400 pound. So to say that the feeling of distraught that you feel from seeing your team loosing would be overcome by the joy of winning 400 pound would translate to me that "I would give up my loyalty to something for money". Much like a prostitute, if you will. Kingjaime, you are a prostitute.

Re: The "mitigator" bet

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celticvilla wrote:
Betting against your own team? Must be an English thing. I jest. Something I was taught though is: money can't buy happiness, even 400 pound. So to say that the feeling of distraught that you feel from seeing your team loosing would be overcome by the joy of winning 400 pound would translate to me that "I would give up my loyalty to something for money". Much like a prostitute, if you will. Kingjaime, you are a prostitute.

Brought to you by Google Translate ^^

I haven't bet in that way before but I see the thinking. If its the "free bet" you'll have a job getting it out of their clutches as its underpinned by a mountain of clauses. If you phone Paddy Power some of the staff have a tendancy to be quite direct with you on the phone if you're arguing a result.

For instance: A good friend of mine bet on Lewis Hamilton to finish on pole position during the qualifying of some Grand Prix a year or more ago now. He finished on pole position, but was disqualified after the session for some technicality. Despite having got it right, he found nothing in his account (you know where this is going), phoned them to ask what had happened, they explained that as Lewis Hamilton wasn disqualified that the bet was void. But he did finish the fastest in qualifying. I think he managed to hang the argument out for 25-30 minutes going in circles, and did so because the person he was first speaking to was quite rude from the start. No result in any case, just managed to waste someone else's time including his own.

I tend to use bet365. Currently trying to work my free £20 back out of the system but its taking weeks doing cagey bets on obvious results.

Re: The "mitigator" bet

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I hoped I'd stressed "will take the edge off a bit" and "doesn't really balance out" (understated truth for humorous effect)... ;p

There's no doubt that were I a prostitute and Dortmund win, I'll be an overjoyed prostitute. Probably Julia Roberts by the end of Pretty Woman.

There's also no doubt that were I a prostitute and Dortmund lose, although I'll have some cash with which to drown my sorrows, I'll still fundamentally be a fairly distraught prostitute. Probably the one who Christian Bale chases with a chainsaw in American Psycho. (Christy, I think, at least to him.)
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